(1.020 OG, 1,95% ABV)
Registration Date: 18.11.2012
Date of Birth: Not Specified
Local Time: 11.10.2024 at 07:02
Status: Offline

Joined: 18.11.2012
Last Visit: 09.07.2015, 03:41
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Time Spent Online: 11 Hours, 36 Minutes, 28 Seconds
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Reputation: 2 [Details]
Private Message: Send Wolfebrew a private message.
ICQ Number: 0
Sex: Male
Location: Sarajevo
Bio: I started brewing in the states in 1993
brewing is the best obsession (not a hobby) in the world
there is always something new to brew, learn, design, and build
for the last 4 years I have specialized in Belgian ales
I don't think I'll ever get sick of brewing and drinking them
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