Fermentacijska komora - DIY - Printable Version

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RE: Fermentacijska komora - DIY - Pivdzija - 19.09.2014

Akvarijski grijač ti ne može hladiti. Znači kada je ispod određene temperature, on se pali i zagrijava, dok ne dođe do zadane temperature. Kada je postigne gasi se. Dok je on ugašen ništa ti ne hladi pivo, pa u ljetnim mjesecima nećeš moći ohladiti pivo bez upotrebe nekih drugih pomagala (frižider, led,...) mi smo upravo iz tog razloga uzeli frižider oko kojeg ćemo konstruirati fermentacijsku kutiju...

RE: Fermentacijska komora - DIY - libor - 19.09.2014

Da nije neko pokusao napraviti Peltierijev cooler , nesto kao ovo recimo ...

Mnogo zanimljivo za jeftino napraviti ...

Re: Fermentacijska komora - DIY - Sile - 19.09.2014

Pokusao, preslabo je to za komoru koja je kod mene, peltier uspije ohladiti par stupnjeva,ali nista posebno. idealniji je za male komore

RE: Fermentacijska komora - DIY - libor - 19.09.2014

Koje su dimenzije tvoje komore?

Re: Fermentacijska komora - DIY - Sile - 19.09.2014

dimenzije skrinje za meso. zamrzivac,jel.

RE: Fermentacijska komora - DIY - pivska mušica - 08.03.2015

evo moje nove komore. ljetos sam je pravio i koji peh, kad je dosla sezona grijanja skontam da prolazi cijev od grijanja s ove lijeve strane. i to izgleda ona glavna vertikala, vruc zid Smile inace stanu dva fermentora bez problema, ali sam sad stavio dodatno pucketavu foliju i ovu deku neku, da stiti od topline. za sad sve ok. drziim na 18.

[Image: 2_08_03_15_5_09_51.jpeg]

RE: Fermentacijska komora - DIY - 1959arman - 09.03.2015

Do you still remember that beer taste Eric?

this is scaled down for a 21 liter batch <br />
hopefully you will get an original gravity of 1.058<br />
and finish at 1.006 or 7 if you ferment hot enough and mash well<br />
500g honey<br />
500g caramel malt 60L<br />
1kg munich 10L malt<br />
3.5kg pilsner malt<br />
113g fuggles(4.5% aa)- first wort hops,right after mash before boil they go in<br />
57g saaz(3% aa)-15 min before boil out<br />
1/2tsp irish moss last 15 min<br />
mash at 62°-63°C for 90 minutes <br />
then bring it up to 76°C as fast as you can and mashout<br />
60 minutes boil<br />
ferment with wyeast 3522 Belgian Ardennes at 24°-26°C for 2 to 3 weeks<br />
now comes the crazy part<br />
make a tincture, take 250ml of cheep 40% 80 proof vodka<br />
and in it you soak the zest from 1 orange and 1/4 of a grapefruit<br />
use a cheese grater on its finest grate, remove just the color of the skin<br />
the white part is bitter<br />
and in a coffee grinder grind 14g of coriander seeds<br />
if you can find them add 1/2 tsp of grains of paradise<br />
soak all that in vodka for the whole time the beer is fermenting<br />
shake often<br />
strain and run through a coffee filter so you only have the extract<br />
and add this at bottling or kegging time<br />
this method gets the flavor and the aroma in the glass<br />
I've used these spices in the brew kettle before<br />
and it doesn't matter how late you add them<br />
you loose all the volatile aromatics in the fermentation and are only left with flavor<br />
with a tincture you get it all<br />
I learned this from Randy Mosher's Radical Brewing<br />
you gotta do crazy stuff to get crazy beer<br />