Bulldog Brewer - Printable Version

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Bulldog Brewer - Rodney - 27.07.2016

Jedan homebrew kolega koji ima shop izašao je danas sa testnim sistemom iz Bulldoga, manje više kopijom GF-a. Cijena 380 evra. U augustu kreće distribucija:

Bulldog Brewer - Essen Specialist own brew works for only 3995 sek!

This wonderfully smooth and reliable bridge works is undoubtedly the best value available on the market. Almost half the price of what Grain Father and costs much cheaper than Braumeister. We will have an introductory price of incredible 3995 SEK (no, you're not dreaming). It will only be a limited number for this amazing price you are interested, just state this in the comments field.

After the introductory offer, regular price still be staggering low - 4495 crowns. Finally a bridge works that everyone can afford.Bulldog Brewer is a very stable bridge works in stainless steel, making it both durable and extremely easy to clean. The maximum capacity is 25 liters, but it is just as easy to brew a half batch if desired. You worms, leaches and cook in the same pot. With the help of a pump circulates the wort and heated under RIMS method. The brewing plant is equipped with a display that is easy to understand and with this you can how smoothly any time set temperatures and raster-step mashing or infusion mashing.The malt is placed in a cylindrical container (also called maltrör) with sieve tray. After mashing, you smoothly through the heavy lifting the handles and place the malt pipe at the top of the bridge work so that the runoff must do their job. At this location is also leaching. The handy with this maltrör is that after leaching clean it and use it as hops filter at cooking. But not only that. The bridge piece is so equipped that it also has a bazookafilter bottom coupled to a ball valve. Getting to a sharp and rolling boil is no problem whatsoever. With an impressive maximum output of 2500 watts, you get such a bubbling boil as you've never seen before. However, we recommend that you only run 2500 watts to get up to the boiling point of the well where the lower to 1,800 watts. This is to avoid that you do not lose as much wort in decoction.

Brewer Bulldog advantage over other similar bridge works, such as Grain Father, is that a cooling coil supplied instead of a built-in counter current cooler. Say for example, you want to make flameout when you add in the last humlegivan. Then you should first lower the wort temperature to approximately 80 degrees to avoid the DMS, but you can not do with a counter-flow coolers since this lowers the degrees of boiling to 20 degrees in just minutes.So take the opportunity to invest in the most affordable bridge works. Bulldog Brewer will make your brew day so wonderful a lot easier. You no longer need to worry about mashing temperature is wrong, or that it boils too bad. Bulldog fixes brew!

FOLLOWING included when you buy BULLDOG BREWER:

• Highest quality stainless steel 304th
• Stainless steel lid.
• Stable carry handle to move the bridge Agency even when it is full.
• Silicone hose for the transport of wort.
• Stainless steel ball valve.
• Stainless "Bazooka" filter for screening malt and hops residues.
• Heavy Duty 6W pump.
• Containers for malt sieve tray can hold up to 9 kg malt.
• Built-in heating elements for easy cleaning.
• Electronic display with temperature control.
• 2.5kW (UK / EU model) heater.
• Stainless steel spiral cooler.


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RE: Bulldog Brewer - AleksandarV - 27.07.2016

Čestitke kolegi. Ovo je praktično isti dizajn kao i Brecrafter. Da li je to kolega koji je radio Cobra-u?

Sent from my ZTE Blade V6 using Tapatalk

Bulldog Brewer - Rodney - 27.07.2016

Nije, ovaj ima shop koji ima većinom stvari iz Bulldoga. Tako da je od prošle godine sa njima radio na ovome u Engleskoj.

Zanimljivo da je mlad. Nema mislim više od 22-23. Već je pokupio par medalja na ovim lokalno kraljevskim takmičenjima, ima shop, a evo kumovao je i jednom finom sistemu.

U Udruženju ga zovemo Dexter Tongue

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RE: Bulldog Brewer - zlimfur - 27.07.2016

ima li dexter sikiru ili ce onako na mladost da roka, sta mu se pri ruci nadje?

RE: Bulldog Brewer - bhgr1 - 27.07.2016

Moze li se ovo kako prebaciti do BiH? Smile

Bulldog Brewer - Rodney - 27.07.2016

Jedino do Hrvatske bezbolno, a onda nekakvim vratolomijama u BiH. Znate šta je bilo sa GF-om. Niti ko zna kakvu carinu da obračuna, niti ima ikakvih pravila, nego ih svako kroji kako mu volja.

Znam da je gajba ganjao onaj papir u Carinskoj, ali k'o da gledam taj papir više ne vrijedi.

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RE: Bulldog Brewer - Pivarunajavi - 27.07.2016

A je li ta cijena od 380 EUR bez poreza?

Poslato sa G630-U20 uz pomoć Tapatoka

Bulldog Brewer - Rodney - 27.07.2016

Kakvog poreza? To je prodajna cijena u Švedskoj. U cijenu je uračunat porez.

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RE: Bulldog Brewer - Pivarunajavi - 27.07.2016

Pa da, ali ako ja to kupim i uvezem u BiH legalno i platim carinu i pdv, onda bi trebalo i da izvrsim povrat poreza u Svedskoj.

Poslato sa G630-U20 uz pomoć Tapatoka

Bulldog Brewer - Rodney - 27.07.2016

E to ti nemam pojma kako ide stvarno. Ali mislim da u Švedskoj ti je platiti 380 evra, i makar ga vozio na Madagaskar, neće ti Švedska vratiti porez. Radio sam dosta stvari po Evropi i uvijek sam uredno fakturisao cijene sa porezom.

Koliko znam, do države koja prima je kako će to tretirati.

Ja mislim da je ipak najbolja opcija naručiti ga u Hrvatsku i onda ga u autu prebaciti rastavljenog u BiH. Ne zato jer treba nešto zajebati državu, nego zato što ni država, a ni njeni službenici nisu načisto šta sa ovakvim sistemima. A i nisu to male pare.

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RE: Bulldog Brewer - danny_boy - 27.07.2016

(27.07.2016, 10:09 )Pivarunajavi Wrote: Pa da, ali ako ja to kupim i uvezem u BiH legalno i platim carinu i pdv, onda bi trebalo i da izvrsim povrat poreza u Svedskoj.

Poslato sa G630-U20 uz pomoć Tapatoka
Najbolje je ovako kao sto savjetuje Rodney. Naruciti u Hrvatsku negdje, staviti u gepek pa sta bude na granici. Ne vjerujem da bi bilo ikakvih problema.

RE: Bulldog Brewer - Trigger - 28.07.2016

Ja sam BM -a tako dovezao.Preuzeo ga u Zagrebu i polako; sta imate za prijavit? Nista.Dovidjenja. Ali to je bilo prije nego je Gajba izvadio onaj papir iz carine.Inace problem kod uvoza je pravio " kreten" sa spedicije jer nije htio da primi u Bih isporuku a ne carina.