RE: Nestašica američkog hmelja.
Nisam bas siguran da je Amarilo samo nadjen i prijavljen istog trenutka kao patent. To me zainteresovalo da nadjem patent i evo ga:,M1
vlasnici patenta su prvi put primjetili Amarilo na svojoj plantazi 1990 a patent je podnesen devet godina kasnije i prihvacen 2000-te. Tako da je njima trebalo 9 godina posmatranja, analiziranja i izdvajanja te nove varijacije hmelja. Veliki je to period i vjerovatno puno istrazivanja i naravno da ce zastititi ako mogu.
Da nisu mogli zastiti sumnjam da bi se uopste i trudili toliko i danas mi ne bi ni imali takav jedan hmelj kao sto je amarilo, ili neki drugi patentirani hmelj.
Hmelj nije resurs kojeg nema besplatno pa da se brinemo oko jedne sorte, ako nam se ne svidja to sto je amarilo patentiran mi naravno uvijek imamo veliki izbor nepatentiranih sorti hmelja koje mozemo uvijek da uzgajamo. A ova poenta na koju cilja musica ja bih prije usmjerio ka necemu sto nema alternativu, kao npr. problem vode (koncesije izvora, privatizovanje vodovoda...) i slicno.
Jos jedna stvar, sad sam provjerio, patent traje 20 godina i posle toga vlasnici patenta mogu da ili "uniste" amarilo tako da ga vise niko ne sadi ili ga dozvole svima.
Nemam nista protiv da neko uzme nesto sto postoji i unaprijedi da to bude jos bolje, i zaradi na tom svom otkricu, mislim da svi imamo koristi od toga. Sve dok mi imamo tu pocetnu varijantu koju mozemo i dalje da koristimo bez restrikcija.
Evo sta je neko dobio kao odgovor od uzgajivaca Amarila kad je pitao za rizome:
I'm sorry, but we do not have any VGXP01 rootstock available for retail sale. There are a couple of reasons for this, primarily we are worried about spreading disease pathogens and insect larvae from our commercial yards to other states. When we bring a new variety to commercial production we obtain the rootstock from the USDA germplasm repository in Corvallis Oregon. This is a rather tedious process, but the germplasm has met WA states phytosanitary conditions and also the germplasm has been raised from a myrestem cell culture which eliminates almost all of the viruses that affect the growth habits and cone production of the hop plant. You can look at their repository and request germplasm for your backyard. They do have a priority listing of which requests get filled first. It generally, is the scientific community, and then the general public. The second reason is that VGXP01 sold under the brand name Amarillo, has not been released to the general public as yet. When we do release it, I would still recommend that you request the germplasm from the USDA repository. In my opinion, It is the proper channel for the distribution of clean rootstocks.
Incidently, if you are wondering why the varietal name is VGXP01, it stands for Virgil Gamache Experimental 01. Virgil is my grandfather and the company is named after him.
As i mentioned previously, we just finished harvest, and the Amarillo's this year are quite nice, We were able to hit our target productions volumes, so you shouldn't encounter any restrictions of supply. If you do, please contact me, and I'll see that you are taken care of. Your fellow homebrewer.
Darren Gamache
Virgil Gamache Farms Inc.